• We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March with a non-uniform day


The Lower Foundation Stage (Nursery) has seventy-eight places to accommodate children, starting the term after their third birthday.

These are divided into two sessions, morning and afternoon.

In Lower Foundation Stage we have the following staff who work together to teach our children:

Mrs Tonkinson – EYFS Lead & Teacher
Mrs Smith – Teacher
Miss Roberts – Nursery Nurse
Mrs Morgan – Nursery Nurse

To contact please email: crocodilesclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk

Crocodiles Class Phonics

In both morning and afternoon Nursery we deliver a pressure-free approach to Phonics by beginning to introduce letter shapes and modelling phonics processes of reading, spelling and handwriting to our children.

We introduce our children to the upper and lower case letter shapes of the alphabet linked to their smallest sounds of speech (phonemes). The letter-sound links are then used to introduce early reading, spelling and handwriting. This includes oral blending (for reading) and oral segmenting (for writing).

Please remember that although Phonics is a fantastic introduction to letter shapes and early reading, developing children’s language is the MOST important aspect of all our education in Nursery. You can help to develop your child’s language through talk, sharing stories, language rich play and chanting and singing with rhythm, rhyme and alliteration.

Here is some additional advice, worksheets and games to support you in teaching phonics at home if you so wish.