• School opens on Monday 6th January 2025

Home Learning 6.5.20

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Hello Crocodiles,

Don’t forget you can send us pictures of your work at crocodileclass@purston.wakefield.sch.uk or tweet them to @infantpurston on our school twitter account.

Here is today’s home learning activity:


Can you remember what we learnt to do last week? We learnt how to ‘just add one’.

This week we will be learning how to count down from ten taking away one at a time.

Can you watch the numberblocks episode below and talk about what happens with a grown up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGRHV_tAglI

Ask your child:

What did you see in the episode?

Do you know the real song 10 green bottles?

Can you use 10 plastic bottles/ teddy bears and ask your child to line them up on a table- Ask them to count to check they have 10.

Can they sing 10 green bottles and use a soft ball/their hand to knock off one bottle or teddy at a time (replace green bottles with fluffy teddy bears in the song if you have used soft toys)

Make it easier- Up to 5 bottles and Start at “5 green bottles” when singing.

Challenge– Ask your child

“If I had 10 bottles and I took one away how many would I have left?”

(Repeat for 7, 5 and 1 remind your child to use the objects and physically take them away to help)

Thank you

Miss Crossley