• School closes for October half term on the 25th October. Monday 4th November is and INSET day. School re opens on Tuesday 5th November.

Home Learning – 18.06.20

Good morning Kangaroos and Giraffes,


In phonics today are looking at the letter group ‘-ue’, as in glue. How many words can you think of with ‘-ue’ in?

Can you read these words? blue, true

Can you say or write a sentence with the word ‘blue’ in it, and read your sentence to a grown-up?


On Tuesday, we asked you to draw and label a creature that you had discovered on your rainforest adventure. Today we would like you to tell us some interesting things about the creature.

Red/Possums/Blue/Green/Wombats and Koalas – In your work books we would like you to tell us what the creature is called, where in the rain forest it lives and what it likes to eat. Is it a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? Remember to write full sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Take care with your handwriting too, try to keep letters the same size.

Yellow and Crocodiles – In your workbooks, and with the help of a grown up, we would like you to tell us what the creature is called, where in the rainforest it lives and what it likes to eat. Is it a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? Try to use your phonics to sound out.


Today we have some addition word problems for you to solve. Use a number line to help you.

Red and Possums

12 monkeys swing through the trees. They are joined by more monkeys. There are now 18 monkeys. How many monkeys joined them?

7 parrots fly through the tree tops of the Amazon rainforest. More fly along too. There are now 16 parrots. How many parrots joined them?

14 ant eaters are foraging for food. More join them. There are now 19 anteaters. How many are joined them?

Blue, Green, Wombats and Koalas

11 monkeys swing through the trees. They are joined by another 5 monkeys. How many monkeys are there now?

7 parrots fly through the tree tops of the Amazon rainforest. 9 more fly along too. How many parrots are flying now?

14 ant eaters are foraging for food. 5 more join them. How many are there now?

Yellow and Crocodiles

1 monkey swings through the trees. He is joined by another 2 monkeys. How many monkeys are there now?

3 parrots fly through the tree tops of the Amazon rainforest. 2 more fly along too. How many parrots are flying now?

4 ant eaters are foraging for food. 2 more join them. How many are there now?


We would love you to make some animal puppets. You could use empty boxes, tubs, tubes, pipe cleaners, socks, bits of old material, card, paper, glitter, googly eyes and anything else that you can think of. We cannot wait to see them.

From Mrs Eades and Mrs Attwood